Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Name the Fraggles

Who, from memory alone, can remember the names of each of the five main Fraggles in Fraggle Rock? I could only remember Red, but I loved that show. I'm appalled with myself.


Richard Mason said...

I only remember the Trash Heap.

Kathryn said...

I was always a little scared of the Trash Heap and those two rats that accompanied her.

Bosco said...

Wembley, Red, Gobo, Mokey and Boober

brett abendroth said...

I remember others on the show, like Doc and Sprocket, the dog, Uncle traveling Matt who was Gobo's Uncle. Also Cantas, the traveling singer, Cotter Pin, who was a Doozer. Who could forget Junior Gorg helping his King Daddy on the roof.